Install Parsec
Install Parsec app
Parsec is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems.
Download the latest stable version of the Windows installer:

Start the
and follow the instructions to install Parsec.
Download the latest stable version of the AppImage file:

Make the
file executable
Right-click/Properties/Allow executing file as program
Or use the chmod command:
chmod u+x Parsec.AppImage
Run it (double-click on the
Parsec is available on the Snap Store:
You can install Parsec from the command line:
sudo snap install parsec --classic --channel=v3
If you are familiar with Snap, you may notice that Parsec is provided in classic mode (i.e. without sandbox). This is required because Parsec needs Fuse to mount your data as a virtual directory, which is not allowed by the Snap sandbox.
In order to install multiple versions of Parsec, you first need to enable parallel instances:
snap set system experimental.parallel-instances=true
Then, you can install v3.0 (provided you already have v2.17 installed), give it a specific name:
snap install parsec_v3 --classic --channel=v3
Support for macOS is currently under development, some features are not fully implemented.
Download the latest stable version of the macOS installer:

Start the
installer and follow the instructions to install Parsec app.Install macFUSE (see below)
Parsec requires macFUSE in order to provide a smooth integration with macOS and let you access your documents via Finder (macOS file manager).
Install macFUSE
This section describe how to install macFUSE.
Get the latest version from the macFUSE website.

Open the
file and follow instructions to install.
If the opening fails, two options are available in System Settings > Privacy and Security: either check the App Store and identified developers box, or click Open Anyway if you don’t want to change this setting, which will need to be done once to open the
, and possibly once more to start the installer.![]()
Finally, reboot your Mac to complete the installation.
On macOS 12 and older, if the installer fails to start, check the App Store and identified developers box in System Preferences > Security & Privacy:

To change this setting, click the lock first which will require admin rights.
Once the installation is done, a System Extension Updated window will pop up. Click Open Security Preferences, and click the lock, then click Allow:

Update Parsec app
Automatic updates are supported and enabled. When a new version is released, Parsec app updates automatically on startup.
If Parsec app is running, A message is displayed. Simply click on the message to update the application.
Install an older version of Parsec
For security reasons, you should always install the latest stable version of Parsec as it contains the latest security fixes.
If you need to access older versions, they are available on GitHub.