Manage your organization

Now that our organization is ready, we can start inviting new users.

In Parsec, inviting a new user to join your organization is a critical operation that aims at building trust towards the user and the device that will be used to connect to Parsec.

The process requires both the guest (the invited user) and the host (you) to be connected to the Parsec server at the same time.

Invite a user

  1. Go to Manage my organization

  2. Click Invite a user and enter its email address to send an invitation link

  • A yellow button will appear at the top, informing you that you have an invitation waiting to be validated.

Pending invitations
  1. Ask the guest to open the invitation link and follow the steps to Join an organization.

  2. Click on Greet and wait for the guest to proceed to the Token exchange.

  3. Confirm the user details and set its user profile.

Revoke a user

Revoking a user will remove its access rights to the organization. This is specially required when:

  • the user device has been compromised or lost

  • the user is no longer part of the organization

  1. Go to Manage my organization

  2. Select Revoke this user.

  3. Click Revoke to confirm (this action cannot be undone)


Revocation is irreversible. If the revoked user needs to re-join the organization, it will need to go through the standard procedure to join an organization


It is not possible to revoke a single user device. If one of the user’s devices has been compromised, the user and all its devices need to be revoked. This is intended because the compromised device has the knowledge of some cryptographic secrets shared among all the user’s devices.

User profiles

The user profiles defines what the user is allowed to do within the organization.

External profile

This profile allows a user to:

  • Collaborate in workspaces


Users with the External profile are not allowed to see the name and email of other users within the organization.

Standard profile

This profile allows a user to:

  • Collaborate in workspaces.

  • Create and share workspaces.

  • See the name and email of other users within the organization.

Administrator profile

This profile allows a user to:

  • Collaborate in workspaces.

  • Create and share workspaces.

  • See the name and email of other users within the organization.

  • Invite new users to join the organization, and set their profile.

  • Remove users from the organization, regardless of their profile.